Designed for fully automatic cleaning of silicon monocrystals.
Device Features:
- Processing of one or two ingots with a total weight up to 30 kg
- Input and output conveyor with handling baskets, two-axis manipulator
- Barcode reader of a loaded batch
- Three process baths: (ultrasonic bath with detergent, bath with HNO3+HF mixture, bath with HF acid); PVDF material, circulation, automatic refilling of DI water and chemicals, warming-up and cooling
- Three rinse baths: (circulation, dosing pump, sprays, measurement of the conductivity and temperature, water level control, quick dump valves
- Dryer: (air circulation, 4 kW, 80 °C max)
- Central control unit, LCD touch-screen, visualization of the working process
- The control system provides bar code reading of the loaded batch, the calculation of etching time (with the help of accompanying Si-wafer), and all data recording.
- Option: 30 kW demi-water preheater
(The equipment is used by Danish customer in Poland.)